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Certificats de langues

CAE Preparation courses

02. Juli 2019



The course is primarily aimed at fourth-year studentswilling to prepare for the Cambridge Advanced Exams. It is a unique opportunity to further develop their English language skills during the course of their normal high school attendance.This course offers preparation for level C1, in accordance with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Aims / objectives

This language certificate offers numerous advantages. It may be utilised to help to obtain various university degrees (e.g. pre-requisites for a Bachelor’s degree) and to access various training programs in Switzerland and abroad. Here are some advantages of obtaining the CAE :

  • this internationally recognised language diploma is valid indefinitely and incurs none of the extra costs associated with the alternative of a language stay in an English-speaking country ;
  • it facilitates the admission to universities abroad and increases the opportunities to spend a semester abroad ;
  • it improves employment opportunities.
  • regular class attendance, hard work (the school reserves the right to exclude any student whose work is unsatisfactory)
  • attendance at the exams

Students are expected to spend at least two hours a week on preparation and homework.

Teacher Mme Mathilde Galeazzi
Where At collège Sainte-Croix – room P101


Entrance exam

Course duration

Every Tuesday/Friday from 12.25 till 2 pm

Friday 30 August 2024

First course : 3 / 6 September 2024

Last course : 25 / 28 March 2025

Exams : 04 April 2025 (date to be confirmed)


During the first lesson, students will take an entrance test so that their level can be assessed. The results will determine whether they can attend the course.

The preparation course covers all sections of the CAE ; it prepares students for reading and listening comprehension as well as for writing and speaking skills.


Registration fee : CAE C1 : 420.- 

Number of participants

Up to 18 students 

Certificate- diploma 

The school will provide students a certificate of attendance signed by both the teacher in charge of the course and the headmaster.

Students having passed the exam will obtain the official diploma (CAE).

Interested ?


  • with the secretariat of Collège Ste-Croix
  • with the teacher in charge : Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

The entry test for the CAE preparation course will be taking place on Friday August 2024 (12.35 - 2 pm) in room P101. The course is offered to fourth formers only.

PDF CAE_2024-2025.pdf